Flower seeds to
plant a beautiful flower garden affordably!

450 Zinnia Polar Bear Seeds

Bright White Color Stands Out From a Distance, Easy to Grow


Polar Bear Zinnias are annuals that produce large, white flowers with small yellow centers. The flowers grow to about 4 inches across and have centers that are an unusual golden contrast with the white petals. With the long stems of this plant, the flowers are a favorite for cut flowers. When the flower is cut as soon as it blooms, these white zinnias enjoy a long vase life. The plants can grow to a striking height of 3 feet, and are multi-branching flowering plants that create multitudes of blooms for vases and bouquets as well as to enjoy outdoors.

Plant zinnia polar bear seeds about 1/2  inches deep in an area that gets full sunlight after there is no more danger of a frost. The temperature should be at least 50 degrees at the coldest when the seeds are planted. The spacing should be 8 inches part. After they are planted, keep the soil moist, but avoid giving them too much water. Polar bear zinnias need plenty of water and air circulation to keep them healthy. Seeds are packaged and germination tested for the current year.


Plant Features:

Blooms June through November

Grows to a height of 2 to 3 inches

Plant seeds at a depth of 1/2 inch

Germination is in about 5 to 14 days

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