Great for Full Sun
A popular annual that is chosen for its sunny disposition and long bloom season. Also known as Cape Marigold, the African Daisy (Dimorphotheca Sinuata Mix), starts to bloom in May, with a vibrant display of yellow, orange and white flowers. This plant does love full sun locations but does not grow well in high humidity and prefers well drained soil.
Growing as tall as 24″, African Daisies are the perfect backdrop plant, placed behind lower lying plants of complementary colors. Given the long bloom season, this unstructured flowering plant is an ideal choice – providing color and personality to your garden from early spring until fall sets in. African daisies are also an excellent choice for cutting flowers. Seeds are packaged and germination tested for current year.
Plant Features:
Blooms May through September
Grows to a height of 1.5 to 2 feet
Plant seeds at a depth of 1/8 inch
Great for full sun