Native to California, Great for Rock Gardens and Raised Flower Beds
Tidy Tips are an extremely hardy annual flowering plant that needs to be planted in well drained soil, and is not overly fond of high heat or humidity. However, Tidy Tips is very drought tolerant and once they get going in March, offer profuse blooms straight through until June. The flowers are a lovely buttercup yellow color with white tips. Perfect for cut flowers, and make a stunning border plant.
Native to California, Tidy Tips grow to just 12 to 14″ tall, and the beautiful yellow blooms rest on elongated stems. A very pretty addition to any garden and ideal for rock gardens and raised flower beds. Prefers full Sun. Seeds are packaged and germination tested for current year.
Plant Features:
Blooms March through June
Grows to a height of 12 to 14 inches
Plant seeds at a depth of 1/16 inch
Germination is 1 to 4 weeks