Flower seeds to
plant a beautiful flower garden affordably!

5,200 California Bluebell Seeds

Early Bloomer, Deep Blue Cup Shaped Flowers


If you are an impatient gardener and want to see bursts of vibrant color very early in the season, California Bluebell is the plant for your garden. An early bloomer, flowering commences in late February and carries through into June, providing lovely color while the rest of your garden develops and grows. California Bluebell is an annual flowering plant that comes to life with exquisite deep blue cup shaped flowers and bright yellow stamen. It compares in appearance to African Violets. This sweet annual grows to less than 24″, most time ranging from 10″ to 15″ in height. California Bluebell loves full sun, and prefers sandy or well drained soil.

This is the type of annual you want to plant in large clusters to really create a showcase of color and interest. This plant is also perfect for pathways, garden borders and as container accents. Seeds are packaged and germination tested for current year.


Plant Features:

Blooms February through June

Grows to a height of 8 to 24 inches

Plant seeds at a depth of 1/16 inch

Germination is 2 to 4 weeks

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